Web Explainer
Idea and development - Rocío Lopez
Head Coordinator - Rocío Lopez
Exec. Producer - Eduardo Peire
Footage - Rocío Lopez, Nomasdf Productions, AIScope database.
Editing - Rocío Lopez
Post Production - Ferran Masip
Explanatory video for AIScope. Rocío Lopez from Baja de las Nubes led the concept, coordination, and editing of this project. As Nomasdf, we provided mentorship throughout the production process and added the finishing touches to bring the video to completion.
Explanatory video for AIScope. Rocío Lopez from Baja de las Nubes led the concept, coordination, and editing of this project. As Nomasdf, we provided mentorship throughout the production process and added the finishing touches to bring the video to completion.
Rocío López de Baja de las Nubes estuvo a cargo del concepto, la coordinación y la edición de este proyecto. Como Nomasdf, brindamos mentoría durante todo el proceso de producción y le dimos los toques finales para completar el video.