Nomasdf Productions

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat Campaign - sample 1
Thwaites Marine |
Engine Repair & Maintenance - Instagram Campaing: "Big Boat"

Project for Thwaites Marine
Production: Nomasdf Team
Head Producer: Ferran Masip
Exec. Producer: Ben Thwaites
Drone Operator & DoP: Ferran Masip
Camera Assistant: Laura Sanchez
Music: Tyler Nakoa
Edit & Postproduction: Ferran Masip


During the last quarter of 2018, we designed, with the Coff’s Harbour - Australia based company Thwaites Marine, the branding for its branch “Engine Repair & Maintenance”, focused on social media content. As part of such work, we created several “concepts” to be used periodically, in different platforms, for weekly audiovisual content. We produced the “Big Boat” concept as one of them - one video a month, for one year of contents, specific to Instagram and Facebook -, to be published in combination with other concepts the company wanted to portray in their platforms for the following year.


Durante el ultimo cuatrimestre de 2018, diseñamos, conjuntamente con el equipo de Thwaites Marine, compañía basada en Coff’s Harbour - Australia, el branding para su rama “Engine Repair & Maintenance”, centrada en contenidos para redes sociales. Como parte de ese trabajo, creamos distintos “conceptos” para ser usados periódicamente, en distintas plataformas, como contenido audiovisual semanal. Producimos el concepto “Big Boat” como uno de ellos – un vídeo mensual, para un año de contenidos, específico para Instagram y Facebook -, para ser publicado en combinación con los otros conceptos que la compañía quería mostrar en sus plataformas durante el siguiente año.

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 2

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 3

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 4

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 5

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 6

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 7

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 8

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 9

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 10

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 11

Thwaites Marine - Big Boat - sample 12