Ecoserveis |
Energía solar para todo el mundo
Project for Ecoserveis
Production - Nomasdf Productions
Director - Ferran Masip
Exec. Producer - Adrià Serarols
Director of Photography - Ferran Masip
Editor & Post - Ferran Masip
Explanatory video for Ecoserveis and their project "Energia Solar per a Tothom," with two short edits for Instagram. It aims to provide solar energy to vulnerable populations in Spain through donations for installing solar panels and improving their living conditions.
Vídeo explicativo para Ecoserveis y su proyecto "Energia Solar per a Tothom", con dos ediciones breves para Instagram. El proyecto busca ofrecer energía solar a poblaciones vulnerables en España mediante donaciones para instalar paneles solares y mejorar sus condiciones de vida.
Short Instagram Edit 1
Short Instagram Edit 2